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Umbrella stand alternatives for decks USA

Vancouver Canada: One sunny day in July, 2018

Julia and Drew were relaxing on their deck -- their favourite place in the whole world :) and Julia found herself needing more shade.

Not wanting a big, bulky umbrella stand to take up a bunch of precious space, her gaze fell upon her railing and she mentioned to her fiance Drew how nice it would be to utilize the existing railing as a place to mount the patio umbrella.

Drew, an aerospace machinist by trade, loves to solve problems... and decided to make a project out of this new challenge, coming up with a solution for clutter-free, hassle-free shade on their patio.

The first prototype was ready a month later.

It didn’t have the ability to adjust, and was crafted with a door hinge, but the idea for Rail EZ was on its way!

Umbrella stand alternatives for decks

From October 2018 to May 2019, Drew was like a mad scientist in the shop every weekend developing prototypes. He’d bring them home and together, he and Julia would put them to the test on different railings and in different conditions, compiling a list of revisions for the next evolved prototype.

DIY patio umbrella installation

Finally, in May of 2018 the first working prototype was complete… just in time for the extreme heat of summer. Jules and Drew enjoyed their new shade solution so much, and found the invention so useful, they figured other deck-lovers would want to know about their invention.

Patio tv railing mount

That’s when they started to realize how many different decks and railings there are in the world! And all the different umbrellas to consider! Oh, and what about the wind factor? They couldn’t have the umbrella causing any harm to the railing, that’s for sure. That's when they really dug in and did full out testing and development.

Around this time, it also dawned on them that it wasn’t just umbrellas that the Rail EZ could mount! T.Vs, tables, and even telescopes… the options were endless.

They held the highest standard for all of the materials and ended up using solid anodized aluminum and stainless steel for the system.

Weather-resistant umbrella mounts

After six different iterations and hundreds of tests in various conditions, Julia and Drew had crafted a product of the highest quality and durability -- Drew is, after all, an aerospace machinist! It was now time to find manufacturers.

In June of 2019, the duo got the patent process started. They approved the final prototype in the fall, and got ready for a launch in spring 2020. Trade shows proved that the idea was valid far beyond just their friends, and the Kickstarter campaign was so successful -- even though COVID 19 hit within days of their launch!

All of the ship backers from their crowdfunding campaigns are currently receiving their product, and the first shipment is now ready to go! Pretty soon, patio-lovers all over the world will be enjoying as much shade as they want, simply and without clutter.

Easily Attach Just About Anything!

Do you need more shade on your deck without the clutter and hassle of a bulky umbrella stand? Mount just about anything on your railing with RailEZ -- get in on the first shipment!

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Have Any Questions?

Feel free to reach out either Drew or Julia

Julia@rail-ez.com or Andrew@rail-ez.com

OR call us by phone or what's App at +1 (765) 766-4536

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