Create a Privacy Blind
A guide on how to Create a Privacy Blind
Create a temporary foldable privacy blind or shade!
- 1 Rail-EZ umbrella mounting system
- 60” x 48” Venetian blind
- 2”x 2”x 72” board
- 4” T bracket
- 60” steel closet rod or pole
- ¼” lag bolt
- ¼ - 20 by 2” bolt
- ¼ -20 wing nut
- 2, ¼” washers
- Tape measure
- Screwdriver
- Centerpunch
- Drill
- Drill bit set
- Saw
1. Cut the 2”x 2” board to match the length of the blind.
2. Mount the blind mounting tabs to the bottom of the 2” x 2” board following the instructions provided with the blind.
3. Measure to find the center of the 2” x 2” board.
4. Using only the two outside holes mount the "T" bracket in the center of the backside of the board with the leg of the "T" pointing downward.
5. Measure the location of the top hole on the bracket and mark that on the rod.
6. Use a center punch to locate where the hole needs to be drilled.
7. Drill through the rod with a small drill bit to start the hole.
8. Continue to drill through the rod with a drill bit that is the same size or a bit larger than the lag bolt.
9. Drill from both sides for easy alignment.
10. Pre-drill for the lag bolt through the center hole of the "T" bracket into the 2”x 2” board.
11. Using the lag bolt attach the closet rod through the top hole on the "T" bracket.
12. Flip the assembly over and make sure the assembly is square.
13. Use a center punch on the bottom hole of the "T" bracket to locate where the hole needs to be drilled.
14. Drill through the rod with a small drill bit to start the hole.
15. Drill with a ¼" drill to clear the ¼"-20 bolt.
16. Drill from both sides for easy alignment.
17. Put the ¼" bolt in the bottom hole of the t bracket to secure in a locked position, use a wing nut to hold the bolt in place.
18. Snap the blind into the mounting tabs attached to the 2" x 2" board following the instructions provided with the blinds.
17. Set up your Rail-EZ on the railing using the instructions provided.
18. Insert and tighten the blind assembly into the Rail-EZ holder
19. Lower the blind.
20. Relax!